Have you ever wonder if YOU can do something to communicate more effectively with those around you?

While there are books, seminars, and organizations that could teach you how there is another – customized – method that proves to be even more effective: Coaching.

Usually, books and training on improving interpersonal communication are focused on what actions to take short-term, not on how to recognize and remove your inner barriers. Coaching has lasting effects since it’s focused on changing behaviors and removing the inner barriers specific to each person. Once removed, you’ll be surprised by the positive effects on your interpersonal communication.

Not convinced?! 🙂 Let’s explore three inner barriers that could affect your communication:

  1. Negative emotions
  2. Low self-esteem
  3. Lack of commitment

1. The negative emotions from previous experiences, if not released, continue to hunt us and get to the surface when we expect less. They are triggered by similar situations that show up in our life, without consciously recognizing them. Did it occur to you to get upset or raise your voice for something that… was not really a big deal? It could be one of those situations that triggered past emotions which were not released yet. As long as you don’t identify and release them, they could affect your interpersonal communication … since others won’t really know why you’re overreacting.

2. Low self-esteem takes a huge toll on interpersonal communication. Not having the courage to express your ideas (because you believe they’re not worthy), could send a different message than the one you want to project. It might mislead the other people, leaving them to believe whatever they want (which might be different from what had in mind). Low self-esteem could also be perceived as a lack of confidence or by not taking responsibility for your own actions. Do I have to mention the impact on interpersonal communication?! Who would like to spend more time or collaborate with someone who doesn’t take responsibility for his actions? Or who doesn’t trust himself, waiting for help all the time?

3. Lack of commitment plays a huge role in interpersonal communication, since its so easy to spot it… and no one likes it! How to communicate effectively with someone who is not committed, doesn’t pay attention or simply ignores you?!

If you found yourself at least once in the situations listed above, when do you think it’s the best time to work on your own issues: when a similar situation occurs? or in advance, so you are better prepared to communicate effectively in the future?

3 Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication
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