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“It is amazing how Gabriela, through her ingenious combination of coaching methods, guided me patiently and wisely to blowing up my limiting beliefs and leading to the biggest discovery of my life: the awareness of my inner force and its unlimited potential. Previously I was seeing life as being hard, but thanks to her mastery, my perspective shifted: I find it now as an incredibly exciting and enjoyable journey. I consider myself fortunate for the moment when our destinies crossed and grateful for every moment we have spent together.” Mihaela Fecioru, HR Specialist
“You are not only a life coach, but you are also a lifesaver, same as the candies.
You know the lifesaver’s candy? It could also be used to repair a flat tire, to help you continue …”
Lise Fillion, Denturist
“Your coaching made me more aware of my positive side, which was buried underneath the negative side of myself that society built up. It helped me to accomplish some of my artistic dreams, to trust myself more, to be more confident around people. Now I feel at ease in job interviews, and I’m able to reveal the real me. I became the Raw Roland, instead of Jpeg Roland.”
Roland Isai, Mechanical Engineer, Artist
“Gabriela, I want to thank you for your guidance and support in a very difficult time in my life. Your expert coaching, exercises, booklet and other related tools unstuck me – helping me to realize my true potential and talents and move forward. I’m now more focused, determined and confident about who I am, what is and is no longer important to me, what I want to achieve in my life and why. I feel well equipped to deal with anything that comes my way and ready to take it on!” Janette Burke, Marketing/PR coach
“You are very intuitive and open-minded, which gives you a great insight into understanding people on a deeper level. You have a great capacity to turn every situation into a self-discovery and learning opportunity, which helps your clients come up with their own solutions for their problems. Moreover, by focusing on developing skills and teaching various techniques to your clients, you empower and help them learn to be their own coach/therapist in the future. Overall, you are a great and inspiring coach!”
Melania Lumezanu, B.A Psych., M. ADS“Before I met Gabriela I thought I had it all together until she showed me the picture of my life so far. I realized that there was something missing. It was impressive the way she showed it to me in a simple way, and I got it right away. Something had to change. Later, I sat down with her, and in less than 30 minutes we came up with a game plan, and since then I am all excited about it. I know that the picture won’t be the same. Thanks again, Gabriela!”
Patrick Bizindavyi, Motivational Speaker“One of the greatest moments in my life was the chance to meet Gabriela. Her inspiration, motivation, encouragement, and support helped me to be accountable to myself exactly when I needed. With her professional, gentle but firm attitude, I’ve perceived a stronger clarity in my life purpose, learned things about myself that I didn’t know, become kind to myself and find a true commitment to creating my own opportunities in order to lead a more fulfilling life. Thanks again, Coach Gabriela.”
Mirela Caraiman, Graphic/Web Designer“I was stunned to discover that my self-esteem was in time shattered by the negativities that surround me. It was still there, but not at the level I’d like it to be. I wasn’t aware of these negativities and I didn’t realize their impact on me. And who knows since when it lies there, hidden in a corner of my soul. Step by step, every coaching session increased my self-esteem, brought me the inner peace and answers to many problems. Frankly, I could say that I rediscovered myself, the one I used to be: enthusiastic and full of energy! Deft questions asked from the heart and with talent helped me to discover for myself the answers for each situation. Thanks, Gabriela!”
Monica Brostean, Mechanical Engineer“I suffered for years of agoraphobia (fear of open spaces) and consulted physiologists, but none helped me out. What happened in the 30 minutes session with Gabriela last evening it’s hard to believe, but is true: she helped me reach a state of calmness and peace that no physiologists did.”
I.L.“I believe that Gabriela’s very smart way of asking questions helped me to better know and understand myself and in all cases led to opening my eyes to see the real cause of my perceived issue. The co-active coaching style made me understand that the solution lays in me, but sometimes I just don’t see it. And once you have the solution, you’re willing to put the effort and nothing could stop you from changing your life for the better. Coaching offered me the peace of mind once I’ve got all the answers I was looking for.”
Mianda G., SW Quality Assurance Specialist“One-hour coaching session with you was enough to bring unexpected changes in my life, in the following two days. My life was monotone, I wanted some changes. But after our session, and all the work on myself you have facilitated, my life was transformed into a festival of news! Now, my problem is how to slow down or deal with this! Really incredible, you are a magician!!! 1000 Thanks!”
Maimouna Keita“We had a wonderful coaching session and you’ve pointed me in directions that are extremely valuable. I really appreciate your help and I continue to believe that what you do worth every penny!”
Raz Van Constantine, Filmmaker“The process has greatly increased my self-confidence and understanding of my strengths on both sides: personal and professional. Getting coached on one point in one’s life is one of the best decisions anyone can ever make! It’s a tool that helps one in any aspect of life.”
Daniela F., ESL Teacher“Two years ago I was in the state when I did not want to do anything, but to have a job and work. It was the moment when Gabriela’s life coaching started to change my life. In a few sessions, she convinced me to get out of the comfort zone and discover the real life, to discover the real me. The most amazing thing that she did was a group exercise in which I was told to be more outspoken, to be the opposite of my character, and… I am still playing that role since. Well, that was my missing part. I feel now that I am at a very advanced level with what I am achieving in my life. You are really amazing.
Thank you, Gabriela! I am so grateful to you.”
Gervend Bajan, IT Specialist“You were there in my life when I needed you and your methods the most. You gave me the perspective and asked the questions that helped me clear up and crystallize the relationships around me, but especially with myself.
I don’t know if you can call it testimonial, but… your life became coaching! 🙂
Every discussion we have turns into a “coaching session” that reveals another perspective about my own internal blockages. Last evening I was impressed by how easy the “method” infiltrated into the dialog. Your warm and compassionate answer helped me to put aside the shielded protection and allowed myself to be guided by my feelings until the fear blocked me again.
How can I resume in a few words my 7 years relationship with you?
I should establish a Point O, before and after, but I cannot because both of us grew during this time. I know you since your period of searching and blockages… then noticed how you overcame, little by little, the frustrations of half-understood truth… practicing your coaching methods … to retrieve you calm and balanced later, having the methods part of who you are. Because you don’t just talk about them, you became what you preach!
Through you, I’ve got access to books and knowledge that I didn’t even know that exist.
My life with the ups and especially the downs is imbued with your presence. I don’t know what it would be without you… but I know that I am blessed that I could have you beside me, especially the one that you became, that I met last evening.”
Iuliana Barhad, QA Specialist
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“How our thoughts affect our job search results” | “Moving your career forward” |
“Using Social Media for a more effective job search” | “Attitudes for Effective Communication” |
“How our thoughts affect our job search results”
“It was a wonderful workshop! So true! It was an unbelievable revelation for me. This workshop gave me all the confidence I needed to start my job search adventure. I discovered what I needed for this adventure. And here it is! My efforts were fruitful: I found a job exactly in the field I always wanted! Thank you Gabriela, for giving me the hope!”Fatouma Coulibaly, Accountant |
“Last year in August I’ve participated in your workshop “How your own thoughts affect your life”. This May I accepted the position of Business Banking Officer. There are several ideas that helped me, that came from your workshop: dream big, the effect of our own thoughts on what’s happening to us, don’t passively assist to your life.. be yourself the change agent! Thank you!” Flavia A. |
“This workshop facilitates a wonderful introspection, to understand how our thoughts could ruin our career evolution. We leave this workshop with a new perspective and a new life approach. Being ourselves the biggest barrier in our evolution, we learned with Gabriela how to better define what we want. It was an excellent opportunity to think about ourselves, how our own thoughts are usually limiting us. Bravo Gabriela!” Valerie Plourde | “The workshop from last evening will be a reference for me, as approach and energy, a new way of thinking … more clearly and positive. Today I had a better day at work, not really different from others days, but I looked at things differently, more invigorating. I start contacting people around me and it seems that my knowledge space is broadening.” Carmen M. |
“During this workshop, I realized that sometimes I unconsciously designed my job search strategy in a way that my limitations were hiding many skills that I have. I really appreciate how the workshop was facilitated, the interactive method used, where I was successively an actor and a participant. Even if we know or heard before that our mental can affect our results, it’s totally different when we experience it (like in this workshop).” Workshop participant | “Gabriela engaged the group in a thought-provoking series of interactive exercises that help us see the effects of our thought processes on our job search, and how we can change our ways of thinking to improve our results! She involved everyone in the session, and helped us to see connections (e.g. between positive/ negative thoughts and positive/ negative outcomes) that we may have previously missed.” Stephen Beaupre, Employment Counselor |
Back to workshops on professional development
“This presentation is mandatory for everyone who asks himself questions or tries to find answers regarding his personal goals”Daniel Cheoreanu. P.Eng. | “This presentation gives you good ideas about how to organize your path toward a successful career.” George Oprea, P.Eng. |
““It was an evening that fascinated me with the topics discussed, especially the coaching session. Why? Because I came there with certain believes and finally I left with new ones. You thrown some light into the darker corners and helped me to better understand myself and others.” Daniela P. | “It’s a very important approach for a career change, that helps us understand why we are still here, looking for a change. We need a coach to get sooner where we want.”Florin P. |
“Talking about dreams can be an incredible energetic experience or a cold shower for some of us who lost our dreams on the way, in this busy life. Gabriela manages to make us think about our life in the way we never did it before. After session everything seamed to be clearer, more significant and Gabriela -through her incredible talent – determined us to start the change in our lives, remember our dreams, pursue our goals and do something really constructive in order to improve the quality of our lives. Thanks a lot for being such a great and talented life coach. And thanks for this wonderful presentation.” Olga H. | “The presentation helped me to understand my weaknesses and why I don’t take steps to have the career I want. It’s useful to see this presentation and to have a career mentor. This event motivates you, gives you power and teach you how to start thinking and doing something for your career.” Gabriela S. |
Back to workshops on professional development
“Attitudes for Effective Communication”
“I’ve attended many workshops on communications before, but this one was the best!” | “The workshop invited to reflection, which lead us finding precise and personal solutions.” |
“The workshop helped me find my communication strengths and weaknesses. I even left with an action plan on how to transform my weaknesses in strengths.” | “During the two hours session I learned so much about my communication style, and of others. All just by learning the importance of our weaknesses and strengths. Thanks Gabriela!” |
“Very interesting and dynamic workshop.” | “One of the most interesting workshops I have ever attended.” |
“I liked many things about this presentation. Gabriela has suggested a very simple technique to help us. She encouraged all participants to actively ask questions and share their examples…and at the end, we all looked together for the best way how to solve the issues applying the techniques Gabriela has presented.” | “Very interesting. We left with specific tools to use, and the willingness to know and master more.” |
Back to workshops on professional development
“Using Social Media for a more effective job search”
“I’ve participated at two of your workshops, the one on mindset and the other one on LinkedIn. I just want to tell you that LinkedIn was an incredible tool: in less than three weeks of job search, I’ve got a job thanks to it… and it was not even advertised internally or externally)! I’ve contacted many people corresponding the profile I was interested in, asked for information interviews, obtained other contacts, got recommendations and… that’s it! Thanks for everything!” | “For those that don’t know Linkedin, this workshop presented an excellent tool for networking. For the others, we discovered many tips and tricks to better use this website to obtain the information and contacts that we need at different stages in our careers.” |
“The content of the workshop was very interesting, and it will be useful for my career – both short and long-term. It opened up perspectives not explored up to now. Thanks Gabriela!” | “Social Media can be a tool for job search. I’ve never thought it can be!” |
“Before assisting to this workshop I thought I know how to use Internet and social media. Now I know that I have much more to learn. Thank you.” | “Very good workshop that I will recommend to my friends!” |
Back to workshops on professional development
Back to Presentations • Workshops
“How your limiting beliefs affect your own business”
“Interactive – working on real issues. A reminder about how important it is to reinforce what we already “know” because it is not yet integrated or has gotten blocked. Also the reminder about the thought-feeling-action-result chain. This is so important, and I had lost sight of it (again).” Laurie, Life Coach (France) | “Friendly, relax atmosphere. Great step by step time line. Excellent techniques to set my mind with positive, helpful thoughts. Learning how important (and easy to get) is the state of MIND, followed by new ideas. Get rid of I can’t!” Cezar Bangu, Web4Me123 |
“I just attended Gabriela’s workshop named How your limiting beliefs affect your own business. To tell the truth, I had heard about the subject from many people, so I had no very high expectations going through this. I thought I knew it all. But Gabriela exceeded my expectations. The exercises were very practical and right to the point. She brought her high knowledge and experience on the subject. I was amazed to see that things that I knew were not enough until I practice them. But, above all, I went home with a practical game plan. Thanks Gabriela!” Patrick Bezindavyi, Goal Achievers Canada |
“Able to share fears – conquer fear. As I have expecting before coming to this workshop, I learned once again that I need to be aware of my body and the success is something you create in your mind. As are all the limiting beliefs created by our mind. These prevent us from living our dreams and achieving goals. I already knew what I have to do, but now I have an extra push/ courage to do it. Very hands on, practical, fun.” Tereza Novak, Personal Trainer |
“It helped me to define my type of success and how to get it. To find more about my real me and how to get over the fear and procrastination – I only need to start being me!” Roland Isai, Interior Designer | “So so appreciated, it was the push that I need to go out from my comfort zone and to make that new position comfortable. The unknown became known, because I’ve learned how to tame it.” Lise Fillion, Denture Town |
Back to workshops on business building
“Answers to Small Business Challenges”
“Gabriela is mastering her profession. The presentation and her answers were so interesting, I didn’t know how the time passed by. I would like to implement her ideas, advices, and use the practical exercises. Thanks again and please continue to provide us your support to succeed in our new adventure.”Aicha Kone | “Participating at Gabriela’s presentation was really helpful. I found this presentation very interesting and will allow me to follow the steps. Thanks for the advice! Aminata Keita |
Back to workshops on business building
“Using Social Media for Business Growth”
“Excellent. Very interactive! Tons of information, great guidance, excellent START!” Bogdan Stanescu, Medical Confidence |
“The workshop was excellent and gave me ideas for the next steps.” Aurel Lonian, Account Manager TD Commercial Banking |
“Had the opportunity to watch and learn from Gabriela’s “Using Social Media for Success” presentation, last month, and was more than impressed. Despite the many tips and tricks on how to better use the available tools, Gabriela also works with a twisting approach: it starts with YOU (or in this case, me)! In few words, she can talk about the best practices, tools and share some incredible under the hood secrets, but there is not a magic formula. If there’s no YOU, and YOUR objectives, there will be no YOU at the message. But don’t be scared, she can help you with that, too!” Beto Faria, Creative Planner |
“Your presentation at the BCX networking event was excellent, and I’m sure that it’ll be useful to many participants. It was dynamic and interactive, and a lot of people interacted with you at the Q&A part. The topic (blogging) was very well chosen.” Florin Pirjol, Sales and Marketing Director “Acasa” newspaper |
“I liked the informality – open question forum. I have personal Linkedin and facebook accounts, but I had no idea how I could leverage these and more social media tools for my business. I understand what the hype is about now, and I realize I need to start leveraging it to expand my business.” Angela Johnson, President Medical Confidence |
“Gabriela provided our group with great insights, strategies and examples on how to build our brand and develop our business through social media.” Corey Atkinson, Meet For Biz Director |
“Helpful, broad topics, lots of information, notes to take home. I liked you knowledge and willingness to answer questions.” Lynda Wise, Wise Coaching |
“I found the session excellent, because it tights together information about the most important social media websites. Even more, Gabriela gave us tips and strategies that make us gain a lot of precious time. Bravo et merci.” Natasha Wauthion, Jurist |
“Gabriela, you impressed me! It was very informative and useful for beginners like me.” Viorel Rusu, Real Estate Sales Representative |
Back to workshops on business building
“Connecting the Dots:
What to do Before, During and After a Workshop to Ensure your Business Growth”
“Great information and very well presented. That was a wonderful presentation. Thank you for your preparedness and professionalism, you made Keynote proud.” Phil Tasci, Keynote Speakers Advanced Toastmasters Club President, Speaker |
“It helped me to organize my ideas around the essential aspects of a workshop. Through an open and creative process, Gabriela’s style of presentation guides you towards some pertinent and essential questions that need to be addressed before starting any presentation. Excellent workshop!!” Melania Lumezanu, Behaviour Therapist |
“Excellent. Very useful. Really well done; so well organized”. Marvin Greenberg, DTM, Consultant, Speaker | “Nice work, well organized. I know what my next step is: I will take additional workshops from Gabriela.” Elton Brown, Toastmasters Area Governor 71 & 74 |
“Essential strategies for anyone who presents workshops, whether as business owner or in any environment.” | “It was a great workshop! What I liked about this presentation: how to integrate all aspects of a business. Thank you Gabriela!” |
“Concrete information and tips from someone I feel has a lot of experience, and can be trusted in her knowledge.” Astrid Kerkhoven, ORSC Coach | “Inspiring. Well done!” Jeffrey Brown, DTM, Speaker |
Back to workshops on business building
“The mindset of successful business women”
“Thank you so much for coming and speaking! Many people got in contact with me and said they took a lot out of the experience.” |
What did you take away from this workshop? |
“Emotional mindset is important for a life success.” |
“Excellent! There are “take away” lessons for everyone.” |
“One thing I can take away is not thinking too much about what others think.” |
“How to Boost Your Coaching Career by Writing a Book”
“Within 10 minutes of our conversation, Gabriela was able to help me zero in on a more succinct hypothesis for my book, to broaden the content, while at the same time narrowing the focus. She comes at the challenge of book writing not only from a content perspective and understanding your potential reader but as well as the business side. By the end of the conversation, I had new insights into the potential to create a complete series of books for my readers. Who knew?? Thanks, Gabriela!” Melanie Wanless, CEC, CTDP |
“I was truly impressed with Gabriela’s enthusiasm and her degree of knowledge around writing and publishing a book. She even offered to follow up with me afterward to answer some more specific questions I had around the process. She is a wealth of knowledge and insight.” Loretta White, Principal & Executive Coach |
“I attended the ICF-Toronto meeting on ‘How to Boost Your Coaching Career by Writing a Book’ with Gabriela Casineanu and found it extremely useful! Gabriela helps you see the bigger picture by exploring the many ways writing creates opportunities. It’s not just about writing a book but creating a career. Also, there’s lots of help along the way, so whatever excuse you’re using to hold yourself back, she’ll help you see the workaround!” Lynn Nicolai, ACPC, PCC |
Gabriela spoke at the ICF-Toronto Monthly Member Meeting on May 16, 2018. As the person responsible for booking Monthly Member Meeting speakers, I worked with Gabriela on preparing for the meeting and received written feedback from audience members after the meeting. Gabriela was easy to work with and responsive to input provided. Audience members found her generous, impressive, energetic and inspiring, and the content she shared meaningful. She received mostly ‘Excellent’ on all criteria that we measure. I recommend Gabriela as a speaker for audiences interested in writing a book to boost their careers. |
Back to workshops on business building
Back to Presentations • Workshops
“Team Building and Leadership Development with Systems Coaching” | “Attitudes for Effective Communication in Teams” |
System Coaching sessions with teams
“Team Building and Leadership Development with Systems Coaching”
Workshop presented at OCASI Conference for Managers and Coordinators. 88% of workshop participants found the workshop Excellent and Highly Recommended.
“I loved the methods used and the group dynamics. I’ve learned how to deal with difficult situations.” | “Great job! I take away the usefulness of System Coaching. The exercises and personal reflection were very revealing.” |
“Excellent for working with teams. System Coaching is effective!” | “I appreciated very much the meta-skills. These will help me in my personal and professional life.” |
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
“Attitudes for Effective Communication in Teams”
Workshop for Engineers, members of Professional Engineers Ontario – Willowdale/ Thornhill Chapter
What did you take away from this workshop? | |
“An improved attitude can readily be achieved to enhance communication processes. Team work in all situations.” | “7 attitudes for effective communication and how to evaluate a variety of scenarios from different angles.” |
“All 7 elements are very useful tools for making an effective communication.” | “7 different attitudes forms a whole to solve situations we do not desire/ want to achieve.” |
“In this workshop I realised how to use 7 communication tools to control my situation, and move toward a better situation just like a captain in a ship.” | “7 attitudes is a great platform for a diverse team to find common ground. The definitions can be used as a starting point to find common ground, allowing team members to communicate better.” |
“The 7 attitudes are the most important elements that I will walk out with. Some I never thought of, but I have them in myself and never tried to use them or know how to use them in some situations.” | “The 7 attitudes as an evaluation tool.” |
“Got an idea about required team members qualities.” | “Your topic is very general. Every situation is different, and that’s when the strength of the seven attitudes kicks in.” |
“Keep in mind the attitudes discussed and trying to improve/ work on the weaker attitudes to make them behaviour.” | “Identifies elements of a good approach in communication.” |
“Think of your weaknesses. Identify them and take corrective action to rectify them. Change your behaviour and overcome weaknesses.” | “In my individual or team communication, I am going to apply these 7 attitudes to improve my communication skill.” |
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
“Attitudes for Effective Communication in Teams”
Presented at Professional Development Day, Project Management Institute – Southern Ontario Chapter
What did you take away from this workshop? | |
“Best Communication seminar I’ve attended. The seven attitudes were a huge eye-opener.” Alma Sotelo-Inzunza, B.C.Eng, PMP, Capital Planner | “I liked the key concept and found it effective, especially after participating in exercise.”Michael Werneburg, PMP, Risk Manager |
“Balance and including all seven attitudes are key to successful relationships.” | “Good learning and take away. Great tool for helping with lessons learned.” |
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Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
Back to workshops on system coaching/teams
Back to Presentations • Workshops
“I was very impressed with all the things I have learned about myself. Gabriela is very personable and knows what she is talking about. With all the knowledge she provided and all the exercises we have performed in our session, I have gained a bigger perspective on my life and the actions I need to take to get where I want to be.” Tereza Novak, Personal Trainer | “Excellent eye opener for anybody in a relationship or not. I came to understand what my next “actions” have to be to find my “significant other” and I am going home with a list of “homework” for improving myself. Do you think you are ready to have a great relationship? Come and get your own answer, you will be amazed! Gabriela is a master at making you “aware” and raising your conscious level. Looking forward for our next session.” Sofia Pistrila, Certified Nutritionist |
“I came at the workshop thinking that I will get some information and help others. Oh, how full of myself I was! Instead, I got a huge “Aha” about myself, forgot about helping others (from a superiority position), and let Gabriela and the group help me to become a more self-aware person. Thank you from my heart!” Gabriela Besa Dragomir, Management Consultant | “Wow! What a chance! To be guided by an enlightened person, maybe guided by a superior force herself. And also, allowing us to provide our own answers, that bring us to a better understanding, to lighten ourselves, and to become a better person.” Lise Fillion, Denturist |
“The workshop was excellent in proving information on how to change our thinking and behaviour by taking actions. It allowed us to confront ourselves.” Nicola D’Aleandro | “I learned that what I don’t like about someone shows something about myself; and I can learn what it is by asking me questions.” Louise Giroux |
Back to workshops on relationships
“Deepening connections”
“I like bringing to my attention a few forgotten Laws of the Universe. Ideas of next steps? I can create my reality. I can nurture my relationship with money. As usual, with depth and knowledge Gabriela makes you think in a different way… stops the chatter and invites you to turn inside. Best lessons: Everything is about relationships, Find the good thing in every situation in your life, There is no bad thing happening – there’s always a lesson to be learned” Sofia Pistrila, Certified Nutritionist |
“New concrete ways to be more creative, conscious, and no more a victim. I appreciate and am grateful to have a teacher for myself. I had the opportunity to ask any questions regarding my concerns. Thank you very much!” Louise Giroux |
“I learned a lot about how too much focus on our thoughts, leads to loosing the connection with our intuition and feelings. The few exercises suggested by Gabriela will be very useful to reconnect with my inner self. I also learned to try other perspectives, not to pay attention only to mine. This way allows you to analyze a personal problem from a different angle, so you’ll get different solutions. Finally, I really appreciated the exercise that helps you discover personal issues and how to work on them. Briefly, this workshop is very well designed, enables communication in a group setting that leads to better understanding as an individual and as a person in a relationship.” Valérie Plourde, Job Search Workshop Facilitator |
Back to workshops on relationships
“Breaking barriers to relationships”
“I’m opening myself more, beginning to trust more the people around me. I am reconciling with different hurt parts of myself. I am healing my wounds; not being a victim anymore, but a player that becomes more active, vibrant participant at that part of my life that I want to improve! Thanks Gabriela, for being on my path. I feel blessed.” Louise Giroux |
Back to workshops on relationships
“Relationships as a Spiritual Path”
“I have the impression that I am in charge of my life. I’m more aware of the importance of becoming active when something bothers me, I wasn’t before! I learned how to change my beliefs about money and other beliefs! I learned how to handle my emotions, trusting my body’s wisdom (as an emotional guide). I understand now that any belief could be changed, it’s just a matter of time. To give yourself time to learn a new way of thinking.” Louise Giroux |
Back to workshops on relationships
“Improving Personal and Professional Relationships with System Thinking”
“Very easy to understand/ follow, yet extremely powerful. There is value in noticing what works/ doesn’t work in a system from various positions within that system, and removing what is broken so that it can be addressed by the team.” Alice Weir, Family Mediator, Family Layer |
“Excellent. What I take away is another perspective of a relationship and personal development.” Melania Nica, Behavior Therapist |
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Back to Presentations • Workshops
“When thinking about Gabriela I see several people, all in one! She is outgoing and always very motivated; a positive and very creative thinker. She approaches every challenge with an outstanding positive attitude and with an open mind.
Gabriela also has a very powerful logical side: she is an outstanding business coach, an unbelievably resourceful thinker and connector. She can see the opportunities, abilities, skills, connections, and relationships among different facets of our professions, which sometimes are in front of our eyes as ‘invisible’ and which multiply the options for success. She is a powerful guide that leads the thinking process gently and purposefully through a tunnel into a vast field of light … and it is wonderful to stand beside her under that ‘light’.
Take just a few people, a tiny pearl of an idea, group inspiration, and motivation, and Gabriela weaves a world of possibilities that everyone embraces and a passion and work together to accomplish.”
Felicia Weinstein, Interior Designer
“Gabriela is one of the most energetic and creative people I have experienced at RBNS and in my networking group. She is able to listen to the business needs of members and easily partner with them to provide the best solution. She is an expert at demonstrations but more importantly, Gabriela is able to manage time, complex portfolios, and difficult situations with ease. She is flexible, energetic, has a positive attitude and a dedication to getting the task done.”
Viorel Rusu, Real Estate Sales Representative
“I have always had many ideas, few actions. Now I find myself more structured, organized and actively fulfilling my commitments to you. I feel I am moving forward.”
Estela Sasson, Life Coach
“A coaching session with Gabriela it is the most amazing thing that can happen to you. Gabriela’s questions and suggestions help you discover in your life, career or in your business small/big stuff, real diamonds you never thought they might exist. Gabriela points them all, they are all yours, and next to you covered under a layer of dust. In a very kindly way, Gabriela talks to you about possible plans for you to grow. You should just ask her! Thank you, Gabriela!”
Dan Micu, Registered Acupuncturist & Traditional Medicine Practitioner
“Being coached by Gabriela was a fun and very useful experience. She had a very quick understanding of my needs and expectations and gave me various tools I’ve used to improve my organization skills. This session helped me work in a more efficient way, establish strategies and plan step by step what had to be done. I’m still using those tools for my new projects, but also in everyday life for a better management of my time and better results.”
S. Choisy, Artist
“I would like to thank you for the coaching session we have just completed and recommend you to others based on my experiences. There were a number of different things that impressed me about our session. We spent a 1/2 hour discussing an issue that I struggle almost daily with. Through your insightful questions and comments, I was able to see how it connects to another issue I have been struggling with. Until we had our session, I never realized that the two were interconnected. We concluded the session with some specific actions to take over the next week, which – if I do them – could help resolve the issue and create a new habit so that the problem may be reduced. We accomplished a significant amount in a short time, and much of this was because you were able to politely, but firmly, maintain a forward momentum in the conversation while keeping non-essentials out of the discussion.”
Zale Tabakman, Management Consultant
“Gabriela is a very good business coach. Working with her is fun, and sometimes surprising because you don’t know what kind of questions she is going to ask you. But be ready to be challenged in a positive way, be ready to go deep within you to know what you really want. She will drive you there with focus and accountability in mind.”
Patrick Bizindavyi, Business Owner & Motivational Speaker
“Gabriela, thanks for spending time with me to give me some ideas about developing my coaching business. The questions you asked me gave me so much to consider in defining who I am as a coach and what direction I would like to go in. I love your style!”
Kim Brinkley, Harmonic Wealth Coach
“Gabriela is truly a masterful coach. Her intuitive coaching method helped me discover options for my business that no other method had unearthed. Consider yourself very lucky if you feel called to work with her. She will guide you to the true core of your business and help you get in touch with your purpose at a very deep level.”
Rebecca Cuevas, Founder & CEO Learn and Get Smarter, Inc,
“What I appreciate most about Gabriela is that she cuts right to the chase by intuitively directing your attention to the solution. She does it in a forthright, practical way that empowers you to make a decision you feel great about.“
Louise van Niekerk, Artist/ Life Skills Coach
“I just did a Zoom hangout with Gabriela Casineanu about my Linkedin profile. She was/is amazing. Her knowledge is so good and steered me in the right direction to change up my “oh so boring” profile. She’s going to do some “cleaning up” while I add some other fun stuff and a video too. For any of you needing Linkedin guidance, she is your girl. Check her out and send her a message.”
Cheryl Smith, Coach/ Speaker/ Bestselling aut
“Gabriela is one of our resident Tech Guru. She is very good at what she does.”
Sean Sumner, Self-Publishing School Community Manager/Bestselling Author